stacked hands for unity
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Great ideas for making it easier, more enjoyable, and less stressful to organize that special event or function you have in mind.
woman using mobile phone with diary
09 Mar

Need a shared task list / shared to do list?

We all need help from time to time, but what’s the best way to reach out to others, especially if we’re not in physical proximity?

02 Mar

Lend a hand to a friend with a helping hands sign up

One of the things people say they love about living in small towns is how neighbors are able to easily reach out and help each other. Of course, many of these people will also confess that a little neighborliness can go a long way

woman hanging party decorations
25 Feb

DIY party planning like a pro with these 5 tips.

A celebration, whether big or small, is about taking a moment to acknowledge the good things in life. In a world where things often feel chaotic and overwhelming, it’s important to set aside time to celebrate..

after party mess
12 Feb

How to deal with party set up and after party clean up

Everyone loves a party, but not everyone likes to help make one happen ― or break it down afterward. Unfortunately, someone has to put in the effort at both ends

preparing decorations for party
29 Jan

Overcoming party hosting anxiety with these 7 tips

Party-planning stress is an unfortunate reality in today’s world, and many hosts are able to conceal their anxieties so well, that guests automatically assume..

man planning surprise party
15 Jan

This easy party planning app is all you'll ever need

Let's face it: Hosting a party is a blast, but getting to that point can be a real pain! It's easy to get excited thinking about all the fun you will have..