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Great ideas for making it easier, more enjoyable, and less stressful to organize that special event or function you have in mind.
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09 Mar

Need a shared task list / shared to do list?

We all need help from time to time, but what’s the best way to reach out to others?

Phone calls, texts and emails are all fine, but communicating back and forth with everyone involved is not the most productive way to collaborate with people these days. With all our busy schedules, it’s difficult to carve out time out of our day for ourseleves, never mind adding another layer of phone calls, emails and texts, on top of the ones we already get. So what is an efficient way to seek help?

One solution is to use a task sharing app like the Pitch In Club.

Many party and event planners have benefited from the useful nature of this app, which allows them to keep track of critical tasks. Access to these tools makes it easy to ensure all details are accounted for as well as the people responsible for making them happen.

Just create a “Helpings Hands” list, which is effectively a shared to do list or shared task list. Then, everyone given access to the list can volunteer for any task they feel comfortable with. The other way to get people involved is via the “Contribution List”. Instead of volunteering for a task, people can contribute food or certain items, to help in the overall effort.

Part of the appeal of putting together a team of helpers using the Pitch In Club app is that it’s simple to share the same list of needs and roles, and then use the “help sign up” to get others involved. This makes it much easier than one person having to juggle everything.

Getting started with a group planning effort is easy: Just create a helping Hands list and a Contributions list and share away. This can benefit people who want to help but don’t know where to start, or for people who want to help, but don’t necessarily know the recipient well enough to personally approach them.

Overall, the Pitch In Club App is a useful resource that utilizes the shared task list or shared to do list concept to organize an event, activity, or any group effort you have in mind, and its stepwise process makes it simple to use. You may want to consider it next time you plan your next event. Remember, a little help goes a long way, and a shared task list is the best way to get it done.

Thanks for checking us out. For more helping hand ideas, head over to our blog.