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28 Dec

5 Expert Tips for Delegating Tasks

You can't do everything yourself. And why would you want to? When you have a team at hand, why not relieve the burden on yourself and accomplish more by delegating tasks instead?

Delegation is not about offloading work onto others to give you more free time. It provides your team an opportunity to expand their skills, take on more responsibilities, and work towards boosting productivity as a whole.

When done right, delegation is a win for all involved. So if you want to discover how to delegate tasks effectively, check out the 5 expert tips below.

Delegating Tasks Effectively

You might think that only you can do a certain task, or you're worried about relinquishing control. But try not to. Your team is there to assist you and should be more than willing to help. Besides, not only will it increase work output and efficiency, but it will help them to develop their abilities too. So here's how to delegate tasks effectively.

1. Why are you Delegating?

When you're assigning a task to someone, it helps to explain to them why you're giving it to them. This not only puts them more at ease, but it's also a chance to let them know you understand their value and that it's an opportunity to branch out and expand their skills.

2. Pick The Right Person

There's no point delegating a task to someone who's not equipped for it, as it'll just set you back further. Instead, it helps to recognize a person’s strengths and weaknesses and assign the task to fit. Some may have a particular preference for tasks and so allowing them to have a say is also a good way to delegate to the right person.

3. Give Them What They Need

To ensure that an individual can take on and complete the tasks set effectively, it's vital that you give them all the instructions, training, and resources they need at the start. This means you're not having to check up on them frequently to ensure it is being done correctly.

4. Be Clear on What You Want

Try not to overload them with information. Just give them the basics and let them know what is expected of them, what the desired outcome is, and what authority they'll have to make it happen. This helps to give them confidence in their approach and clearly defines their aims and expectations.

5. Show Trust and Appreciation

Try not to micromanage as it can have a negative effect on team attitude and productivity. Let them know that you hold them in high regard and trust them with important tasks. Also, show your gratitude towards them for taking it on and give them productive feedback that'll help them progress further and strive to do well.

Delightful Delegation

Delegating tasks not only help workload efficiency among teams, but it's essential to effective leadership and achieving productivity and progress. By using the tips above, you'll have a better idea of how to delegate tasks effectively.}

In doing so you'll also build better relationships with your team, increasing trust, and allowing them to demonstrate their value and commitment. If you're getting overloaded with work, don't be afraid to use your team and give them their chance to shine.

For more ideas on getting organized and productive, check out our latest blog articles here.